Новорічні ранки

Новорічне свято – це, без сумніву, довгоочікувана казка для всіх дорослих і дітей. Наприкінці грудня у Бершадській ЗОш І-ІІІ ст.. №3 відбулася низка цікавих новорічних дійств.

Напередодні всі учні школи дружно готувалися до них: прикрашали школу сніжинками та гірляндами, власноруч виготовляли новорічні іграшки, малювали малюнки, плакати, розучували вірші, пісні, новорічні вітання. На святкових новорічних ранках у початкових класах була новорічна театралізована програма «Міньйони рятують Новий рік». Усі діти були активні: кружляли в хороводах, співали пісні, брали участь у різноманітних конкурсах. Учням 5-8 класу була надана  унікальна можливість здійснити подорож в різні країни світу і дізнатися, які традиції зустрічі Нового року існують на різних широтах земної кулі. Головною умовою подорожі був хороший настрій і щирі посмішки! Для учнів 9-11 класів  школи був організований новорічний вечір. Він складався з безлічі яскравих моментів, які сприймалися глядачами  на одному диханні і сприяли чудовому  настрою в залі.

        Проведені в школі новорічні свята стали чудовим завершенням навчального семестру, а також сприяли гарному настрою всіх школярів і вчителів у переддень Нового 2018 року.


When you purchase a lab kit form us you will get a lab workbook to help guide you through your labs. But the lab workbook does assume that you have some basic knowledge about Cisco routers and switches.
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Most CCNA study guides are about 800 pages so there are lots of concepts and nuisances that are covered and we highly recommend you purchase a CCNA study guide to assist you in your self study efforts.
Bryant Advantage. The Bryant Advantage probably has the most comprehensive study package that is well written using lots of analogies so it can be understood easily by new CCNA students as well as seasoned Cisco professionals. It is on par with the Cisco Press as far as price and another nice benefit is he also has a lab workbook too. We also sell the Bryant Advantage CCNA Lab Hardware Topology to compliment his lab workbook so you can follow through all the labs step by step.
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We want to be very clear, just having routers, switches and a lab workbook is not enough to pass your Cisco exam.
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Here at CertificaitonKits, we have on-staff seasoned CCNA, CCNP, and CCIE instructors. These instructors have helped develop Cisco training curriculum, delivered boot camps and have authored various books you will find in Barnes & Nobel or Borders.
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It is written in layman’s terms for very green students and it the cheapest solution. However I have found that it does not go as in-depth to some topics as I might like.
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We are providing the helping material in two ways which are • PDF • Practice Test Software PDF Exam – the first technique expected of applicants to prepare for CCNA Routing and Switching 200-125 Cisco Certified Network Associate, are hand notes that consist of full, comprehensive information about every CCNA Routing and Switching 200-125 Cisco Certified Network Associate area.
So if you are already familiar with Cisco routers and TCP/IP, this may be a better solution for you. Finally, we recommend the Bryant Advantage Ultimate CCNA Study Package.
In its place of obligating the error of evading the repetition exams, the applicants must practice carefully via practice tests. For example, statistics display; several a scholar who fails the CCNA Routing and Switching 200-125 Cisco Certified Network Associate, they have no need to fail in the exam after getting prepared with the annoying approaches.
Many people ask us what study guide we recommend. I will give you a few suggestions. For a low cost solution, you can go with the basic Sybex CCNA study guide.
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But it is a solid solution. The next suggestion is the Cisco Press CCNA study guide. This is a more expensive solution and is written in technical terms and probably does not explain some of the concepts as clearly as the Sybex Guide.
The preparation of 200-125 CCNA Routing and Switching exam, you can do with our preparation material. 
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Just focus on over study material for the preparation of CCNA Routing and Switching 200-125 Cisco Certified Network Associate.
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In preparation of our CCNA exam, we want to make sure we cover the various concepts that we could see on our Cisco CCNA exam. So to assist you, below we will discuss preparing for the CCNA exam.
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For example, the pdf questions, debate each topic at a distance, the applicants study them dull and annoying. Similarly, the applicants provide favorite to exercise test. A practice test is communicating and stimulating as associated to pdf material.